
The Other Side

Okładka książki The Other Side Milo McGivern
Okładka książki The Other Side
Milo McGivern Wydawnictwo: Matador Cykl: Tales from Animaux (tom 5) literatura dziecięca
184 str. 3 godz. 4 min.
literatura dziecięca
Tales from Animaux (tom 5)
Tytuł oryginału:
The Other Side
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3 godz. 4 min.
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10,0 10,0 / 10

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10,0 / 10
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0 / 10



Na półkach: , , , , , , , ,

I didn't know that when I picked up a book by Milo McGivern called "The Other Side & four other stories" I would receive such a brilliant story. This novel should be read by all people living on planet Earth. Why? You will find there very important questions and problems that concern us all. First, you will learn a story that shows what can happen when magic is used. Secondly, you will learn what true friendship means and whether we always see others or are we just focused on ourselves. The third story is the search for missing characters. The fourth part is the answer to the question: what happens when we litter the environment? I consider the fourth topic to be the most important. I'm glad the author touched on it. Nowadays, we should take care of our surroundings.

 I met interesting characters;

 - Aubrey the Turkey - a very interesting personality. He will experience unforgettable and very dangerous adventures. I didn't always understand his behaviour towards his friends.

 - Solomon - Sol - Salamander. He is very friendly. He's a magician. How did he end up on a turkey farm?

 - Clifford the Platypus - At first I thought he was lazy. Why did he roll like that? He is a friend of Aubrey and Walli It's worth paying attention to.

 - Walli Warthog - she's a wonderful girl. She does everything herself. Isn't she a workaholic by any chance? She is a friend of Aubrey and Clifford.

 Of course, there are other fantastic characters in this book. You must get to know them because they deserve your attention.

 The action of this novel takes place, among others, on a mysterious island called Animaux. You will find fast-paced action and a few twists here. Let me tell you right away that the action never slows down. Four stories connect with each other. How? You will find this out by reading "The Other Side & four other stories".

 I am delighted with the coordinates provided for each part. Thanks to this, I could find the place where a given story takes place. Big plus for that. It's the first time I've encountered something like this.

 This book captivated me so much that I can't wait for the next adventures of the Turkey, Warthog and Platypus.

 If you like to experience amazing adventures and solve problems, I invite you to read this book.

 I forgot to mention that the beautiful illustrations were created by the talented illustrator Yuliya Somina.

 I invite you to read a book in which animals play the main role.

 I recommend this novel.

I didn't know that when I picked up a book by Milo McGivern called "The Other Side & four other stories" I would receive such a brilliant story. This novel should be read by all people living on planet Earth. Why? You will find there very important questions and problems that concern us all. First, you will learn a story that shows what can happen when magic is used....

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