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S.E. Jakes
Pisze książki: literatura obyczajowa, romans
SE Jakes writes m/m romance. She believes in happy endings and fighting for what you want.
You can contact her the following ways:
You can email her at
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You can post on her Goodreads Group: Ask SE Jakes
You can follow her on Tumblr:
You can ask her a question as part of the Ask The Author program on Goodreads:
Truth be told, the best way to contact her is by email or in blog comments. She spends most of her time writing but she loves to hear from readers.
You can contact her the following ways:
You can email her at
You can post to her Facebook page:
You can Twitter her:
You can post on her Goodreads Group: Ask SE Jakes
You can follow her on Tumblr:
You can ask her a question as part of the Ask The Author program on Goodreads:
Truth be told, the best way to contact her is by email or in blog comments. She spends most of her time writing but she loves to hear from readers.
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