Easter Widows Seven Irish Women who lived in the shadow of the 1916 rising
- Kategoria:
- historia
- Wydawnictwo:
- Doubleday Ireland
- Data wydania:
- 2014-01-01
- Data 1. wydania:
- 2014-01-01
- Liczba stron:
- 447
- Czas czytania
- 7 godz. 27 min.
- Język:
- angielski
- 9781781620229
- Tagi:
- Irlandia Powstanie Wielkanocne 1916
One week in May 1916, seven Irish women became widows. When they had married their husbands they had embarked on very different lives. They married men of the establishment; one married a lecturer, two others married soldiers, another a public servant.
These women all knew each other and their lives became intertwined. For the seven women whose stories are told in Easter Widows, their husbands' interest in Irish culture, citizenship and rights became a fight for independence which at Easter 1916 took the form of military action against the British.
These men were among the leaders who formed a provisional government of the Irish Republic and issued a proclamation of Irish Independence.But the Rising was defeated, and the leaders were arrested and hastily executed. Some of the widows broke under the strain of their experiences and this story tells of miscarriage and tragedy
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Portret niezwykłych kobiet, których mężowie zostali straceni za udział w Powstaniu Wielkanocnym 1916r.
Portret niezwykłych kobiet, których mężowie zostali straceni za udział w Powstaniu Wielkanocnym 1916r.
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