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Josephus Gerhardus Rulof
Znany jako: Jozef Rulof
Pisze książki: ezoteryka, senniki, horoskopy
Urodzony: 20.02.1898Zmarły: 03.11.1952
Josephus Gerhardus Rulof (February 20, 1898 – November 3, 1952) was a Dutch author who was known as a psychic and trance medium or spirit medium. He wrote about thirty books about life, death, and the hereafter.
Rulof claimed to be the greatest medium ever, and that nobody would ever surpass him. The next great medium would be the "Direct Voice Apparatus" (DVA),a technical device that would enable people to communicate directly with the spirit world. The DVA would be based on another device to make all diseases disappear.[1]
He claimed he was under the control of two guides: master Alcar and master Zelanus.
Rulof claimed to be the greatest medium ever, and that nobody would ever surpass him. The next great medium would be the "Direct Voice Apparatus" (DVA),a technical device that would enable people to communicate directly with the spirit world. The DVA would be based on another device to make all diseases disappear.[1]
He claimed he was under the control of two guides: master Alcar and master Zelanus.
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