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Daniel B. Greene
Pisze książki: fantasy, science fiction
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Breach Of Peace Daniel B. Greene
*EDIT Zaczynam sądzić, że może oceniłam tą książkę zbyt surowo i ja po prostu nie lubię prozy po angielsku.
To be honest, I’m giving this book 4 stars purely from my sympathy to the author. Before I started reading I was aware of few problems Breach of Peace had, and I was fully ready to just ignore them, move on, and enjoy a book. I was ready to move on past flat characters and lack of world-building. Sadly, there is nothing to the novella that would make up for that. World Daniel seems to be hinting at seems like it could be interesting, but we don’t learn really anything about it.
There’s way too much dialogue and it’s always awkward and clunky. No one seems to be able to lie, as characters voice every, single opinion they think of. I couldn’t believe I’d say that, but they communicate too well! Conflict is literally impossible, because everyone trusts one another and every concern is addressed the second it shows up.
The last 20 pages could be the beginning of much better book. It also has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of story. It’s okay, because pacing is better and characters finally do something instead of talking and moving from point A to B to C to D. Oh! And we don’t leave the POV character even for a moment. Instead of dropping narration and moving to the point when something actually happens, we are just witnessing Every Single Conversation character has. Squabbles with partner, every single instruction they give to subordinate. Also shower. During which nothing of matter happens.
The characters are Inspectors - something like detectives, and they talk about how their supposed to be so overpowered they can act as judge and executioner and beat up civilian for funnsies (which is awesome concept. I’d like to get into the head of some corrupt, brutal officer. It could be great, dark, shit) and it means nothing. Literally Brooklyn 99 characters have more grey morals and these ones.
What more - they’re supposed to be part of this corrupt organization, working for fucked up like religious fundamelist state. It has no reflection on them. All the cops are shown as squirmish, constantly shocked by brutal crime, have no brutality in them and ONE time one of them is kinda mean to subordinate, he beats himself up for this for most of the scene! Like what?
I’m just super disappointed, because I really expected enjoyable read and Breach of Peace was sadly not it.
I will still be reading Daniel’s next works, because I not only like him as a YouTuber, but also think some idea he had for this book was great! It just severely lacked in execution.
Breach Of Peace Daniel B. Greene
Pierwsza nowel napisana przez Daniela Greene'a. Szalenie interesujący, ale bardzo ponury świat przedstawiony, z gatunku steampunk. Opowiadanie przedstawia wciągającą historię jednego śledztwa. Postacie i wydarzenia zdecydowanie nie są czarno-białe. Nie żebym był ekspertem od języka, ale tekst jest napisany w dobry stylu (ani przesadnie uproszczony ani zbyt skomplikowany),chociaż w kilku nie wszystko do siebie pasowało w 100%.
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