Niebiańska plaża

Okładka książki Niebiańska plaża
Alex Garland Wydawnictwo: Świat Książki Ekranizacje: Niebiańska plaża (2000) literatura piękna
368 str. 6 godz. 8 min.
literatura piękna
Tytuł oryginału:
The Beach
Świat Książki
Data wydania:
Data 1. wyd. pol.:
Data 1. wydania:
Liczba stron:
Czas czytania
6 godz. 8 min.
Jan Kraśko
Niebiańska plaża (2000)
Tajlandia ekranizacje kinowe
Średnia ocen

                6,8 6,8 / 10

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Okładka książki Batman Noir - Batman Black & White. Nigdy po trupie Neal Adams, Rafael Albuquerque, Doug Alexander, Lee Allred, Michael Allred, Brent Anderson, John Arcudi, Mark Askwith, Brian Azzarello, Hilary Barta, Lee Bermejo, John Bolton, Philip Bond, Ivan Brandon, Ed Brubaker, Dave Bullock, Riccardo Burchielli, Blair Butler, Mike Carey, Tommy Castillo, Eric Cherry, Cliff Chiang, Michael Cho, Becky Cloonan, Darwyn Cooke, Denys Cowan, Dan Didio, Paul Dini, Danielle Dwyer, Nathan Edmondson, John Floyd, Nathan Fox, Sean Galloway, Alex Garland, Keith Giffen, Dick Giordano, Rafael Grampa, Rob Haynes, Adam Hughes, Rian Hughes, Victor Ibáñez, Geoff Johns, Dave Johnson, J.G. Jones, Michael William Kaluta, Chip Kidd, Paul Kupperberg, Derek Laufman, Jeff Lemire, David Macho, Howard Mackie, Jim Mahfood, Steve Mannion, Dwayne McDuffie, Don McGregor, Mike Mignola, Scott Morse, Olly Moss, Dean Motter, Sean Murphy, Dustin Nguyen, Alex Nińo, Troy Nixey, Ann Nocenti, John Ostrander, Jimmy Palmiotti, Ruben Pellejero, Scott Peterson, Will Pfeifer, Sean Phillips, Whilce Portacio, Jon Proctor, Javier Pulido, Joe Quinones, Rodney Ramos, Sal Regla, Joe Rivera, Paolo Rivera, Andrew Robinson, Kenneth Rocafort, Robert Rodi, Stephane Roux, Chris Samnee, Damion Scott, Ryan Sook, Dave Stewart, Dave Taylor, Kimo Temperance, Jill Thompson, Michael Uslan, John Watkiss, Len Wein, Chris Weston, Maris Wicks, Judd Winick, Marv Wolfman, William Wray, Danijel Žeželj
Ocena 8,1
Batman Noir - ... Neal Adams, Rafael ...

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Średnia ocen
6,8 / 10
621 ocen
Twoja ocena
0 / 10



Na półkach: ,

The concept of the book itself has appealed to me from the very beginning. I believe, every traveller finds an idea of an alternative society, fascinating. Especially a society that includes exotic beauty of Thailand, young and independent adventurers and a cloud of mystery.

At first, the beach seems to fulfil all the desires of people who despise the rat race of the modern world. Time, your past and background don't have any significance. There is nature in the first place, followed by peaceful coexistence of a small group of people and joy of life in its simplicity. The paradise eradicates "time limits on everything you enjoy". The beach gives you the comfort of infinite peace, a world without stress and sorrows.

As the life on the beach consists of repetitive, day-to-day activities, it may seem that the story doesn't move forward. But it's Richard whose thoughts and shrewd comments provide us with the plot's evolution. I like how a typical, adventure story changes direction and becomes more of an thriller. The intensity of violence and danger rise significantly in the very end, reaching an unforgettable climax.

I think Richard's fascination with Vietnam War may be one of keys to read the story. With every chapter the beach becomes less and less of a paradise as appearing problems are solved with rigidity. No one ever questions it. Especially Richard, who seeks after thrilling experiences.

He indulges his fantasies about Mr Duck, watches the canabis guards with an unhealthy interest and concludes the beach phase with admiration for the scars he carries. "I like the way that sounds", he remarks.

I believe Alex Garland made a right decision not to develop any romantic subplots. The book could easily focus on a love triangle between Richard, Etienne and Francoise. Fortunately, the protagonist's crush is just a subtle addition to the story.

I am not sure if I even touched the main points of the book. I feel like it's hard to give a definite answer as for what the author wants to convey in his book. But that's what I actually enjoyed - the leisurely pace and the discretion on interpretation. Read and take out of it what you want. The beach will stay with you, anyway.

The concept of the book itself has appealed to me from the very beginning. I believe, every traveller finds an idea of an alternative society, fascinating. Especially a society that includes exotic beauty of Thailand, young and independent adventurers and a cloud of mystery.

At first, the beach seems to fulfil all the desires of people who despise the rat race of the...

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Alex Garland Niebiańska plaża Zobacz więcej
Alex Garland Niebiańska plaża Zobacz więcej
Alex Garland Niebiańska plaża Zobacz więcej

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