Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury
Pisze książki: muzyka
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Queen - Made in heaven - teksty piosenek
Queen - Made in heaven - teksty piosenek
Freddie Mercury
9,0 z 2 ocen
11 czytelników 0 opinii

Popularne cytaty autora

  • Sometimes I feel I'm gonna break down and cry Nowhere to go, nothing to do with my time I get lonely, so lonely, living on my own. Sometime...

    Sometimes I feel I'm gonna break down and cry Nowhere to go, nothing to do with my time I get lonely, so lonely, living on my own. Sometimes I feel I'm always walking too fast And everything is coming down on me, down on me, I go crazy Oh so crazy - living on my own. (...) Sometimes I feel nobody gives me no warning Find my head is always up in the clouds in a dreamworld It's not easy - living on my own.

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