Greg Brooks

Greg Brooks
8,3/10średnia ocena książek autora
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Książki i czasopisma

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Freddie Mercury: His life in his own words
Freddie Mercury: His life in his own words
Greg Brooks, Simon Lupton
8,3 z 3 ocen
26 czytelników 1 opinia

Popularne cytaty autora

  • Success has brought me millions of pounds, and worldwide adulation, but not the thing we all need - a loving relationship. You can be loved ...

    Success has brought me millions of pounds, and worldwide adulation, but not the thing we all need - a loving relationship. You can be loved by so many thousands of people, yet still be the most loneliest person. And the frustration of that makes it even worse, because it's hard for people to understand that you can be lonely.

    3 osoby to lubią
  • (...) loneliness doesn't just mean shut off in a room by yourself, it can be that you're in a crowded area but still be the most lonely pers...

    (...) loneliness doesn't just mean shut off in a room by yourself, it can be that you're in a crowded area but still be the most lonely person, and that's the most hurtful thing.

    2 osoby to lubią
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