
Moira Fowley-Doyle

Moira Fowley-Doyle
6,9/10średnia ocena książek autora
5 przeczytało książki autora
14 chce przeczytać książki autora

Książki i czasopisma

  • Wszystkie
  • Książki
  • Czasopisma
The Spellbook of the Lost and Found
The Spellbook of the Lost and Found
Moira Fowley-Doyle
7,7 z 3 ocen
15 czytelników 1 opinia
The Accident Season
The Accident Season
Moira Fowley-Doyle
5,0 z 1 ocen
3 czytelników 0 opinii
All the Bad Apples
All the Bad Apples
Moira Fowley-Doyle
8,0 z 1 ocen
2 czytelników 0 opinii

Popularne cytaty autora

  • You cast spells every day. Your make-up is glamour magic. Hiding and highlighting. The clothes you pick out to make your legs look longer, y...

    You cast spells every day. Your make-up is glamour magic. Hiding and highlighting. The clothes you pick out to make your legs look longer, your waist smaller. The red you wear for confidence; the black when you're sad, the blue for clarity. Your favourite bra. Your lucky socks. The way you take an hour on your hair. It's a ritual. It's never just about clothes, or make-up, or perfectly messy buns. It's about magic.

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